About us

Our family business is run by myself Emily with the help of my husband Kyle and our two product testers Maisie and Kimi. Our love for dogs has always been something we share so to be giving dogs all over the UK delicious hand picked treats is a real passion of ours. I have recently taken a course in Canine Nutrition to learn more about dog health, and I passed with a Higher Distinction Level 3. 

Our Products

Our girls are fully on board when it comes to what kind of products we offer. So rest assured everything has been tried and tested by both our girls and are all very much loved. All our treats are sourced from UK run suppliers and we ensure to keep our standards high. We also like to keep our packaging low and fully recyclable. 

Did you know by purchasing our natural dog treats you're helping to reduce waste across a wide range of areas in the human food chain? These treats and chews would usually end up in landfill but instead they're benefitting thousands of dogs! 

Thank you for visiting our website and for supporting a small business!


Love from us at The Natural Treat Empawrium 

The Idea

We love to treat our girls as much as we can as they're both from Romania and we don't know much about their past. We believe as dog owners we should provide the very best for our dogs. They can't choose their diet so it's down to us to choose for them and to choose wisely. 

We had trouble with Maisie having a sensitive stomach and skin irritations. After some vet visits and tests it concluded she's allergic to grain. This is an ingredient common in most packaged treats found in high street/supermarket stores. We done our research and found an alternative to pre packaged treats...natural ones! 

Kimi also arrived to us with a sensitive stomach, but now they're both thriving off their natural dinners and treats. No more sensitive tummies or skin irritations.

We decided to open our own online store so we can share with you what we feed our dogs and to learn more about pet health including different ways treats can be used. We're passionate about providing high quality treats to all dogs around the UK. 

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